Staff Profiles:

Name: Diana Ngo-Vuong
Position: SEA CLEAR (Southeast Asian Campus Learning Education and Retention) Director

What I do: I am a full-time mentor, advisor, supervisor, and manager of the nation's first student-run student-initiated Southeast Asian retention project that provides peer counseling, mentorship, internship targeting UCLA students who face academic difficulty and dismissal. I also help liaison and create a community on and off campus that focuses on addressing the needs and issues of the Southeast Asian community.

Contact: dngovuong@saonet[at]ucla[dot]edu OR seacleardi[at]gmail[dot]com

Name: Paulina Ho
Position: SEA CLEAR Assistant Director

What I do: To assist the project director in monitoring and assessing the development and wellness of SEA CLEAR staff and interns. To coordinate and oversee the internship component by facilitating individual and collective development, advocacy, and leadership skills.

Contact: paulinaho402[at]gmail[dot[com

Name: Layhannara Tep
Position: SEA CLEAR Mentorship Coordinator

What I do: I oversee the development of the SEA CLEAR Mentorship Component, including the growth of Mentors and mentees. SEA CLEAR Mentorship aims to create community through developing cointentional pair relationships and community interaction through discussing issues relevant to the Southeast Asian community. The component focuses on retention through a collective approach.

Contact: layhanz[at]gmail[dot[com

Name:Melinda Ng
Position: Peer Counseling Coordinator

Name: Nancy Nguyen
Position: SEA CLEAR Admin Assistant

What I do:I am the backbone of the project by helping to maintain the efficiency of the organization. I provide support for my staff, the project and overall the Southeast Asian community.

Contact: nnc.nguyen[at]gmail[dot]com

Name:Chau Duong
Position: Peer Counselor

Name:Dianne Lim
Position: Peer Counselor

Name:Kevin Tse
Position: Peer Counselor

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